"Stella beamed at Harry, whose eyes were having trouble resisting the gravitational allure of her magnificent breasts."
- Harry's World (p.116)
- Harry's World (p.116)
Anthologies are a great joy as a reader, since you get to sample a whole range of different authors in one book. Over the last couple of years, I've absolutely loved getting into some of the crime anthologies out there, notably Switchblade, Pulp Modern, Econoclash Review, and more. I've also had some of my short story work published in Switchblade - it's been a great honour to line up alongside some truly awesome fellow crime writers. It's also fuelled my inspiration for writing.
Check out my Anthology Corner for a reader's guide. Also: Anthology Corner
Now, a couple of exciting projects I'm going to embark on for 2019: I've decided to try my hand at collating a couple of anthologies myself.
I'll obviously need other authors to contribute their creative work, but I'll be doing the work to pull the projects together and stumping up the necessary costs. Hell, we're only here once, so may as well get into life, in this case life as an author.
And I'm not going to be competing in the same space as the regularly published gems already mentioned above. I'm looking for one-off collections and specifically themed.
Read on, my friends....
Check out my Anthology Corner for a reader's guide. Also: Anthology Corner
Now, a couple of exciting projects I'm going to embark on for 2019: I've decided to try my hand at collating a couple of anthologies myself.
I'll obviously need other authors to contribute their creative work, but I'll be doing the work to pull the projects together and stumping up the necessary costs. Hell, we're only here once, so may as well get into life, in this case life as an author.
And I'm not going to be competing in the same space as the regularly published gems already mentioned above. I'm looking for one-off collections and specifically themed.
Read on, my friends....
"A Blue Anthology - Cops Writing Crime" (Working Title only)
If you follow my blogs and tweets, you'll know about my project "Cops Writing Crime". Starting last year, I set out to collect all the crime fiction authors I could find who had served (or are still serving in some cases) as police officers or related law enforcement roles. I've also included a handful of PIs. My interest in this category of crime writer, apart from being one myself, is the sheer realism that I've found in any crime fiction I've read from ex-cops.
Check out The Squad - Also: Cops Writing Crime
As at today (26 Sept. 2018), I've collected 131 members for The Squad, from all over the world. I'm not aware of any similar project, let alone an anthology dedicated to this cohort of crime fiction writers. Well, I'm going to change that and have a lot of fun in the process.
I'll firm up all the parameters in due course, but I'm keen to hear from members of The Squad who would potentially be interested in contributing.
I won't be able to pay you, but it's an opportunity to have some fresh short story work published in what I think will be a unique collection. I'm intending both print and digital versions, and I will send all contributors a copy or two.
If you're not in The Squad, but think you should be, then drop me a line.
I'm also keen to have another author who could be an official co-editor with me (I'm happy to shoulder the work, but a source for second opinions and reality checks would be invaluable).
Talk to me...
"A Blue Anthology - Cops Writing Crime" (Working Title only)
If you follow my blogs and tweets, you'll know about my project "Cops Writing Crime". Starting last year, I set out to collect all the crime fiction authors I could find who had served (or are still serving in some cases) as police officers or related law enforcement roles. I've also included a handful of PIs. My interest in this category of crime writer, apart from being one myself, is the sheer realism that I've found in any crime fiction I've read from ex-cops.
Check out The Squad - Also: Cops Writing Crime
As at today (26 Sept. 2018), I've collected 131 members for The Squad, from all over the world. I'm not aware of any similar project, let alone an anthology dedicated to this cohort of crime fiction writers. Well, I'm going to change that and have a lot of fun in the process.
I'll firm up all the parameters in due course, but I'm keen to hear from members of The Squad who would potentially be interested in contributing.
I won't be able to pay you, but it's an opportunity to have some fresh short story work published in what I think will be a unique collection. I'm intending both print and digital versions, and I will send all contributors a copy or two.
If you're not in The Squad, but think you should be, then drop me a line.
I'm also keen to have another author who could be an official co-editor with me (I'm happy to shoulder the work, but a source for second opinions and reality checks would be invaluable).
Talk to me...
TBA - A collection of hard-boiled, noir, and pulp, but around a theme. Still thinking about it.
Watch this space...
TBA - A collection of hard-boiled, noir, and pulp, but around a theme. Still thinking about it.
Watch this space...
" … as Harry and Trev found themselves busier than a one-legged man in an arse-kicking contest."
- Harry's Quest (p.58)
- Harry's Quest (p.58)