"I pulled his jaw down with my knife hand, and rammed his bloodied tackle into his mouth. I smiled at him, as I had fantasized about doing, whilst he gagged to death on his own genitals."
- From the Harry short story, "White Powder, Black Leather, Grey Badges", in Harry Kenmare, PI - At Your Service (p.43)
- From the Harry short story, "White Powder, Black Leather, Grey Badges", in Harry Kenmare, PI - At Your Service (p.43)
Me - as Recruit Patterson - at the Police Academy - 1986.
Me - as Constable Patterson - Bayswater Police Station - 1991.
Me - as Detective Patterson - CIB Child Abuse Unit - 1992.
Scroll down for more recent updates...
The original 2017 preamble: As an ex-cop who writes crime fiction, one of my key desires with the genre is realism. On the occasions I have read crime fiction written by other ex-cops, I have never failed to really appreciate and enjoy the realism those authors impart to their work. I've so far read 4 crime fiction authors who have been cops, or a private eye in one famous case. My first, and this was when I was a young cop myself, was Joseph Wambaugh from the USA. Then came another American, Dashiell Hammett, a PI in his time, and one of the original masters of the hard-boiled form, which has become my all-out favourite sub-genre, and hence what I write in my own work. Next was a fellow Sydney-sider and ex-cop from Australia, P.M. Newton. Most recently I discovered a French ex-cop, Laurent Guillaume, who has one of his book translated into English. So in early 2017, I decided upon a little project to research a list of all the cops and ex-cops, and those PIs, who have become crime fiction authors. This page is my library of them. And the next part of my project is to read at least one example from all of them. One of my 2018 reading goals is to add some of these brother and sister officers-turned-authors to my reading ventures. I've already got a few on my TBR pile! 2018 update: Well, the "little" project turned out to be rather more, as you will see below. I'm both impressed and excited at how many cops and ex-cops have turned to writing crime fiction. Whilst the vast majority of the authors below have served (or are still serving) as police officers, The Squad does also include some authors who don't technically fit within the "cop" definition. So, to explain that further I offer these words (because the underlying theme to this project is realism). Those PIs who have turned to writing crime fiction (about PIs) do qualify, and, of course, I set that bar early on in the project with the wonderful Dashiell Hammett. I've also found a couple of authors who have spent many years in some non-officer role with law enforcement, but still working the scene on a daily basis. So I've let them qualify for The Squad as well, on the basis that whilst they may not technically have worn a badge, they've still lived and breathed the milieu, and therefore are in a position to write wonderfully realistic crime fiction. 2019 update: So much for "little", HA! The Squad is ever-growing, way beyond where I ever thought it would go. We start 2019 with 140 members, and I've got a stack of research waiting on others, especially since I found the "Police Writers" website (LINK) in the US - this is a great resource which lists heaps of police writers, but across all writing classifications. This project, of course, is only interested in crime fiction. I also found the LAPD even have their own website (LINK) for their officers who have turned to writing! How cool is that for a PD?! Anyway, my aim now is to compile the most definitive list in the world of Cops Writing Crime (Fiction). And also to read lots of them, although my earlier goal of reading each member of The Squad might be getting out of reach now, given the sheer numbers. But I have included a running list below of those who I have read. You'll generally find that I have done a book review in my blog section. So, read on for the roll call of former police officers, former detectives, and former private investigators, who have all gone on to become crime fiction writers. WELCOME TO THE SQUAD! 2021 update: The Squad keeps growing with new writers I am finding as well as my collating of more historical ones. The big news for this year is the anthology project - a collection of crime short stories all penned by members of The Squad. You can see details of the line-up in my blogs and on my Works page. |
February 2018: Given the size our Squad has now grown to, I thought an alphabetical index up front might be useful. The numbers in brackets for each author refers to their position on The Squad list, being the order in which I found their name to add to our group. So just keep scrolling to peruse the list in its order.
ALPHABETICAL LISTING (as at 14 February 2023)
ADKINS, Art (146)
ALBANESE, C.E. (333) ALBERS, Wes (177) ALLAN, Clive (104) ALLEN, Christopher (106) ALLEN, Richard (28) ALLISON, Jason (211) AMATO, Angela (45) ANDERSON, Kent (54) ANDERSON, Richard Craig (178) ANDERSON, Susan (141) ANDREU, Nelson (148) ANDREWS, Mark (24) ARMSTRONG, Steve (153) ATLEY, Mark (140) AUSTIN, Ian (197) BAANTJER, A.C. (76) BALDOCK, Evan (213) BANAHAN, Dennis (156) BARKER, Robert F. (262) BARNBROOK, Steve (426) BARNES, Dallas (171) BARNES, Johnny (231) BARRY, John (286) BARTLETT, Graham (350) BEALL, Will (55) BECKNER, Mark (421) BENJAMIN, Carol Lea (78) BENNETT, Kathy (422) BENTLEY, Stephen (296) BERGIN, Mark (321) BETTINGER, Keith (268) BIRCH, F.E. (304) BISHOP, Paul (77) BLACK, Lisa (235) BLACK, Michael A. (50) BLACKWELL, C.W. (136) BLACKWELL, Nathan (41) BODNAR, P.J. (139) BOOTH, Kim (274) BORN, James O. (386) BOURG, B.J. (392) BOUTON, Mark (154) BOYCE, Trudy Nan (120) BRADLEY, Joseph J. (180) BRADLEY, Rebecca (51) BRAY, Roger (149) BRIANT, John H. (397) BRIDGESTOCK, R.C. (118) BROWNING, Micki (163) BRUNING, Marcus (101) BURCELL, Robin (38) BURGESS, Harvey (271) BURKE, Laura (130) BURTON, Alan (401) BURTON KING, Mary (21) BUSBY, Roger (79) BUSTILLO, Antonio (405) CALVERT, Richard (232) CAMERON, Marc (285) CAMPANOZZI, Lou (406) CAMPBELL, Colin (129) CAMPBELL, Karen (96) CANTORE, Janice (259) CASE, Dave (287) CASS, Victor (181) CAUNITZ, William J. (152) CHAMBERS, Pam (98) CHAPLIN, Thomas (420) CHRISTENSEN, Loren W. (188) CHURCH, Ed (257) CLARK, Aaron Philip (429) CLAUSEN, Lowen (65) CLAYDEN, Dwayne (137) COCKBURN, Lee (238) COFFIN, Bruce Robert (42) COLLIER, Stephen (419) COLLINS, J. Mark (167) COMO, Robert P. (411) CONLON, Edward (253) CONWAY, Colin (245) COOK, Edward T. (413) COPLING, Steve (353) COPSEY, Phil (297) CORDES, Will (355) COX, Sarah (272) COYLE, John M. (150) CRAIG, Alan (128) CROUCH, Ron (165) CROUCHER, Michael (121) CUTTS, Lisa (60) DARTER, Larry (170) DATTERO, Guilio (339) DAVIS, Karen M. (07) DEAN, David (423) DeCICCO, Joe (292) DEE, Ed (357) DE LABY, Ron (288) DELAMER, John J. (233) DE LA MOTTE, Anders (93) DELANEY, Luke (09) del ÁRBOL, Víctor (138) DeNISI, William (298) DEPUTY, Don (427) DEUTSCH, Arthur (365) DIAL, Connie (334) DI GIACOMO, Mark A. (168) DILLMAN, Gary (247) DiMONDA, Bill (368) DITTRICH, Stacy (342) |
DODD, Dustin (254)
DOHERTY, Jim (281) DONAGHUE, Darryl (23) DONEGAN, Terrance (237) DOSSER, Jeff (169) DOUTHWAITE, Ian (105) DRUMMOND, Laurie Lynn (37) DUFF, Scott (68) DYE, Ken (370) EASTON, Don (26) EDWARDS, C.J. (310) EISLER, John (314) ELDRIDGE, Shiloh (293) ELLIOTT, Wayne (31) ELLSON, James (226) ENRIGHT, Richard (240) ERSKINE, Y.A. (69) FARRINGTON, Jay P. (269) FASONE, Robert (172) FERGUSON, David G. (266) FERRIS, Fleur (94) FILIPPELLO, Rosanna (27) FINCH, Paul (73) FLINT, Sarah (275) FONSECA, Rubem (227) FORD, Dale (384) FORREST, James A. (303) FORT, Jason E. (159) FOWLER, Michael (108) FOXJOHN, John (395) FRANK, Marshall (396) FRAZIER, Sunny (19) FREEDMAN, S.M. (116) FRIE, James (402) FULLER, Mike (117) GALJAN, George (291) GALLAGHER, Charlie (109) GIBBONS, Edward Anthony (403) GIBSON, Del (407) GIUTTARI, Michele (70) GLENN, William M. (248) GODFREY, Wendell (409) GOFFA, Martin (71) GONZALEZ, Martin A. (415) GOODMAN, Marc (161) GORES, Joe (83) GRANT, Michael (388) GREEN, Hadyn (182) GRIFFIN, Dennis (43) GRIFFIN, Neal (18) GRIFFITH, C.A. (189) GROBESON, Mitchell (299) GRZEGORZEK, Paul (30) GUILLAUME, Laurent (05) GUILLAUME, Pierrick (347) GUILLAUMOT, Christophe (418) HALL, Parnell (87) HAMID, Omar Shahid (144) HAMILTON, T.J. (255) HAMMETT, Dashiell (03) HANDRAHAN, Theresa (147) HANSEN, Erik Djernaes (328) HARKIN, John (316) HARMAN, Patricia (329) HARRISON, Paul (62) HARSTAD, Donald (35) HASTINGS, Lewis (125) HAWKINS, James (124) HAWLEY, Michael A. (348) HEALY, Jeremiah (81) HECKER, Robert Sterling (382) HEFFERON, Joe (34) HEFLEY, John C. (361) HENEGHAN, James (166) HENSLEY, J.J. (100) HERREY, G.J. (366) HESSE, Lynn (175) HEVRON, Thonie (280) HICKS, D.L. (258) HIGGINS, Jeffrey James (318) HIGGINS, Simon (48) HILTON, Matt (207) HODA, John A. (308) HODGES, David (315) HOFFMAN, Joseph C. (369) HOLTON, Hugh (373) HORST, Jørn Lier (56) HOWELL, Jim (374) HUGGINS, James Byron (10) HUGHES, Dillard H. (379) HUGHES, Kevin (216) HUNTER, David (221) ISON, Graham (74) JACKSON, Louis (380) JACOBELLIS, Nick (47) JAMES, Gregory (22) JEBB, David (341) JENKINS, Jack (44) JERRETT, La Mont A. (343) JOENSUU, Matti Yrjänä (57) JOHNSON, Craig (322) JOHNSON, Matt (273) JONES, David R. (416) JORDAN, Misha (228) |
KAROLINA, Anna (95)
KARPELA, Totti (59) KASSAY, Gary (111) KAYE, Jeff (217) KEEVERS, Thomas J. (210) KELEMEN, Ed (99) KELLY, James R. (204) KENNEALY, Jerry (80) KIKKAWA, Scott (325) KILPI, Marko (58) KING, Casey (264) KNUCKEY, Ted (214) KOHN, Lee (155) KRATZER, Earl (206) LAMB, John J. (186) LANCASTER, Neil (132) LEES, Barry (119) LeGROW, Chris (425) LEMAY, Jon (346) LEUCI, Robert (376) LEVINE, Michael (327) LEWIS, Kenneth R. (306) LILLEY, James H. (389) LINK, R.L. (244) LIONE, F.P. (359) LLOYD, Harold K. (219) LOCK, Joan (29) LONDON, Kate (92) LOVETT, Gary C. (205) LOW, Neil (17) LYNCH, Sean (131) MACDONALD, Bob (311) MACKEY, Gerry (385) MACKIE, John (220) MACKINTOSH, Clare (08) MADINGER, John (224) MAHONEY, Dan (212) MALDONADO, Isabella (39) MALLOY, Jim (203) MALLOY, Martin (251) MARCH, Alan (383) MARCOU, Dan (225) MARININA, Alexandra (97) MARRIOTT, G. S. (236) MARS, Peter (218) MARTIN, Bob (66) MASON, Barry (294) MAYES, D. Clayton (302) MAYOR, Archer (67) McDONALD, Alex J. (394) McDONALD, Cherokee Paul (398) McEACHIN, James (313) McGARRITY, Michael (408) McGOWAN, Dennis J. (410) McKINNEY, Joe (49) McLEAN, Angus (61) McNAIRY, Mel (391) McNAMARA, Joseph D. (190) MEYRICK, Denzil (143) MINTON, Jerry (187) MITCHELL, Caroline (13) MITCHELL, R.J. (16) MOORE, Laurie (351) MORGAN, J.P. (367) MORTON, Sam (362) MUKHOPADHYAY, Priyanath (265) MURANO, Vincent (371) MYNHEIR, Mark (250) NELSON, Andrew G. (338) NELSON, Paul G. (324) NEVIN, Mitchell (184) NEWTON, P.M. (04) NEWTON, Steven J. (375) NGUYEN, Elizabeth (326) NICHOLL, John (241) NICHOLS, Thomas J. (63) NICKERSON, Scott (317) NIEHAUS, Joseph (222) NIKKEL, William (112) NOREK, Olivier (263) NORRIS, George P. (424) O'BYRNE, Michael (267) O'CARROLL, Gerry (145) O'CONNOR, Daniel (107) O'DONNELL, Patrick (349) O’KEEFE, Michael (40) OLDHAM, Nick (196) O'MEARA, Pearson (279) O'ROURKE, Tim. (428) OSTERMAN, Mark (377) OZEROFF, Barry (33) PALOMA, Richard (378) PARKER, Steve (134) PATE, Jeff (372) PATRICK, Ian (52) PATTERSON, A.B. (01) PATTI, Paul (335) PEACE, J.M. (06) PEARCE, Roger (25) PENNY, Marty (337) PERRY, Kent (223) PETERSON, Quintin (331) PETIEVICH, Gerald (160) PICCIARELLI, Patrick W. (234) PILKEY, Brent (135) PLIMMER, John (126) POUCHAIRET, Pierre (417) PRESTON, Lisa (113) PRICE, Frederick (345) PRICE, Roger A. (201) PROCTER, Maurice (243) PUTNAM, David (114) |
RACE, Joe (344)
REARDON, James (404) REDMOND, Lissa Marie (102) REED, Rick (15) REESE, Gavin (312) REID, Robert Sims (363) RHEA, Nicholas (46) RICHARDSON, Steven H. (381) RIDENOUR, Dana (246) RIGBEY, John (90) RITCHIE, Peter (164) ROBINSON, Ian (see PATRICK, Ian) RODGERS, Garry (53) RODRIGUEZ, G.B. (336) RONEY, Jack (309) ROOS, Steve (340) ROSENBERG, Nancy Taylor (85) ROSENTHAL, Richard (249) ROSS, Jonathan (86) RUBINO, Paul (332) RUBLE, Trent Allen (307) RUDE, Curt (239) RUSSELL, C.M. (295) RUSSELL, Craig (261) RYAN, B.P. (173) RYAN, Desmond P. (133) RYAN, Kathleen A. (103) SADLER, Robert J. (198) SÁNCHEZ, Joe (270) SAVILLE, Liam (208) SAYLES, Ryan (20) SCHAFFER, Bernard (115) SCHEMBRA, John (199) SCHRAGER, Daniel V. (319) SCHUMACHER, Tony (282) SCHUNK, Ronald M. (185) SCOTT, J. Todd (142) SCOTT, Jerry C. (230) SEWART, Alan (252) SHEA, Brian (320) SHUMAN, George D. (158) SILVANIA, Jim (289) SILVER, Daniel B. (191) SILVERII, L. Scott (195) SKAEHILL, Jon (390) SLATER, Sean (127) SMITH, Danny R. (283) SMITH, Enes (387) SMITH, Gavin (91) SMITH, Jim (393) SMITH, John C. (284) SMITH, T.B. (176) SMITH, Z.C. (399) SMITH-LEVIN, Judith (193) SMITLEY, Mike (400) SNOW, Elmer L. (412) STERING, Robert S. (414) STEVENS, J.B. (209) STONE, Samuel E. (352) SUTHERLAND, John (358) SWINSON, David (64) TARJÁNYI, Péter (123) TEMPLE, Merle (162) THIEM, Brian (122) THOMAS, Kim (278) THOMAS, Michael J.V. (354) THOMAS, Mike (14) THOMSON, Basil (75) THORNE, T.K. (276) UHNAK, Dorothy (11) van de WETERING, Janwillem (84) VENABLES, Bruce (260) VIDECETTE, David (72) VINER, James (301) WAID, Jess (179) WAINWRIGHT, John (89) WALKER, James Harper (290) WALTON, Michael (256) WAMBAUGH, Joseph (02) WATTS, Larry (200) WEIR, Bob (215) WESTERMANN, John (356) WHALEN, Bernard (323) WHITAKER, Richard B. (360) WHITE, Leslie T. (242) WHITTLESEY, Leo P. (364) WILLIAMS, Jerri (194) WILLIAMSON, Charlotte (305) WILLS, John M. (12) WINSLOW, Don (88) WOOD, Laurie (330) WOOD, Ted (82) WORLEY, Mike (32) WOZENCRAFT, Kim (192) WRIGHT, Keith (174) WRIGHT, M.P. (300) WRIGHT, Peter M. (277) WYATT, Simon (110) YANTORNO, R.E. (183) YI, A. (202) ZAFIRO, Frank (36) ZEITLIN, Jonathan B. (151) ZEOLI, Anthony (229) ZURL, Wayne (157) |
My Reading List so far, in order...
1. WAMBAUGH, Joseph (02) USA
2. HAMMETT, Dashiell (03) USA 3. NEWTON, P.M. (04) AUS 4. GUILLAUME, Laurent (05) FRA 5. COFFIN, Bruce Robert (42) USA 6. MACKINTOSH, Clare (08) UK 7. PATRICK, Ian (52) UK 8. RYAN, Desmond P. (133) CAN 9. BLACKWELL, C.W. (136) USA 10. REDMOND, Lissa Marie (102) USA 11. JAMES, Gregory (22) AUS 12. DARTER, Larry (170) USA 13. NOREK, Olivier (263) FRA 14. ZAFIRO, Frank (36) USA 15. ALLEN, Christopher (106) USA |
16. HEVRON, Thonie (280) USA
17. O'KEEFE, Michael (40) USA 18. LEES, Barry (119) UK 19. BODNAR, P.J. (139) USA 20. O'MEARA, Pearson (279) USA 21. SAYLES, Ryan (20) USA 22. WRIGHT, Keith (174) UK 23. THORNE, T.K. (276) USA 24. ELLSON, James (226) UK 25. ATLEY, Mark (140) USA 26. CUTTS, Lisa (60) UK 27. CONWAY, Colin (245) USA 28. DOHERTY, Jim (281) USA 29. HARMAN, Patricia (329) USA 30. HENSLEY, J.J. (100) USA |
31. BERGIN, Mark (321) USA
32. KIKKAWA, Scott (325) USA 33. NGUYEN, Elizabeth (326) CAN 34. HANSEN, Eric Djernaes (328) DEN 35. PETERSON, Quintin (331) USA 36. HODA, John A. (308) USA (as at July 2022) |
# 1:
A.B. PATTERSON - Australia. Well, you're on my website... Anyway, I'm a former WA Police detective, and I worked corruption cases at the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption. I'm now a licensed PI. My protagonist is PI Harry Kenmare, featuring in Harry's World (2015). The sequel is Harry's Quest (2018). The third novel, Harry's Grail, is in progress. A collection of short stories is imminent (August 2020). I've also had some short fiction published in US magazines Switchblade and Econoclash Review. Website: |
# 2:
JOSEPH WAMBAUGH - USA. Wambaugh served with the LAPD. He has been a prolific author, and I fondly remember reading some of his when I was a serving officer myself. The realism gripped me then, as it still does now. Some examples: The Choirboys (1975), The New Centurions (1971), or The Blue Knight (1972). And there are a lot more, as well as some non-fiction. Website: |
# 3:
DASHIELL HAMMETT - USA. (Deceased 1961) Hammett needs no introduction, being the father of the hard-boiled school. He wrote private eye novels, but he had worked as a PI for the Pinkertons Agency, so was able to bring his experience to bear on the realism of his writing. He joins the Squad on that basis. He wrote several novels, as well as numerous short stories. Perhaps his most famous title: The Maltese Falcon (1930). |
# 4:
P.M. NEWTON - Australia. Newton is formerly a detective in the NSW Police. So far, two crime novels with the protagonist Detective Nhu "Ned" Kelly, set in Sydney. See: The Old School (2010) and Beams Falling (2014). Website: |
# 5:
LAURENT GUILLAUME - France. Guillaume is a former French police officer and detective, and also a police advisor in Mali. He has written a number of novels, but only one has so far been translated into English. White Leopard (2015) is set in Mali, and features the protagonist PI Solo Camara. I have to admit this is a favourite of mine in the hard-boiled class. I couldn't find a specific website, but check out: |
# 6:
J.M. PEACE - Australia. Peace is still a serving officer in the Queensland Police. So far, two crime novels with the protagonist Constable Sammi Willis. A third is in progress... See: A Time To Run (2015) and The Twisted Knot (2016). Website: |
# 7:
KAREN M. DAVIS - Australia. Davis is formerly a detective in the NSW Police. So far, two crime novels with the protagonist Detective Lexie Rogers. The third is due on the shelves in the next few months... See: Sinister Intent (2013) and Deadly Obsession (2014). Website: |
# 8:
CLARE MACKINTOSH - UK. Mackintosh served as a detective in the British Police (Thames Valley Police Force). Two crime novels: I Let You Go (2015) and I See You (2016). Website: |
# 9:
LUKE DELANEY - UK. Delaney was a detective in the Metropolitan Police (London). A series of crime novels with the protagonist DI Sean Corrigan. An example: Cold Killing (2013). Website: |
# 12:
JOHN M. WILLS - USA. Wills served in the Chicago PD and then the FBI. He has written several crime novels. Example: Targeted (2011). Website: |
# 13:
CAROLINE MITCHELL - UK. Mitchell served as a detective in the British Police (not sure which Force). A series of crime novels with the protagonist DC Jennifer Knight. An example: Don't Turn Around (2015). Website: |
# 14:
MIKE THOMAS - UK. Thomas served with the South Wales Police (Wales - U.K.) A number of police/crime novels. An example: Pocket Notebook (2010). Website: |
# 15:
RICK REED - USA. Reed was a police detective in Indiana. He has written a number of crime novels with the protagonist Detective Jack Murphy. An example: The Cruelest Cut (2010). Website: |
# 16:
R.J. MITCHELL - UK. Mitchell served with the Strathclyde Police (Scotland - U.K.) A series of crime novels with the protagonist DS Gus Thoroughgood, and other works. An example: Parallel Lines (2011). Website: |
# 17:
NEIL LOW - USA. Low is still a serving officer with the Seattle PD. He has written a number of crime novels. An example: Deadly Attraction (2012). Website: |
# 18:
NEAL GRIFFIN - USA. Griffin is also still a serving officer, in California. He has a number of crime novels to his name. An example: Benefit of the Doubt (2015). Website: |
# 19:
SUNNY FRAZIER - USA. Frazier spent years as an "undercover narcotics secretary" with the Fresno Sheriff in California. I'm not quite sure whether she was a police officer, but clearly she worked the scene in law enforcement and now writes crime, amongst other things, so I've included her in the Squad. An example: Where Angels Fear (2009). Website: |
# 20:
RYAN SAYLES - USA. Sayles was a police officer in Kansas. He has a number of novels to his name. An example: The Subtle Art of Brutality (2012). No website found, but his blog is at: |
# 21:
MARY BURTON KING - USA. King was a criminal investigator with the US Navy's NCIS. She has several novels to her name, with some supernatural aspects to crime. An example: Beatrice Belladonna's Black Magic Web (2014). Website: |
# 22:
GREGORY JAMES - AUSTRALIA. James was a detective with the NSW Police Force. And I was thrilled to join him at his book launch. His debut novel: Bordertown (2019). Website: |
# 23:
DARRYL DONAGHUE - UK. Donaghue was a detective with the UK Police (Metropolitan, I believe). A series of crime novels with the protagonist PC Sarah Gladstone. An example: A Journal of Sin (2013). Website: |
# 25:
ROGER PEARCE - UK. Pearce was a senior officer in New Scotland Yard. A number of novels with the protagonist DCI John Kerr - blend of crime and thriller. First one: Agent of the State (2012). Website: |
# 26:
DON EASTON - CANADA. Easton was an officer with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. A number of novels with the protagonist Jack Taggart, of the Mounties (RCMP). An example: Loose Ends (2005). Website: |
# 28:
RICHARD ALLEN - UK. Allen was an officer with one of the Police Forces in the United Kingdom. A number of novels with the protagonist Superintendent Mark Faraday. An example: Dirty Business (2012). Website: |
# 29:
JOAN LOCK - UK. Lock was an officer with one of the Police Forces in the United Kingdom. A number of novels (historical crime set in Victorian London) with the protagonist Inspector Best. (Lock also writes non-fiction crime and police works). An example: Dead Image (2000). Website: |
# 32:
MIKE WORLEY - USA. Worley was an officer with the Idaho Police Department. A number of novels with the protagonist Detective Angela Masters. An example: Retribution (2012). Website: |
# 34:
JOE HEFFERON - USA. Hefferon was an officer with the Newark Police Department, New Jersey. A number of novels. An example: The Last Meridian (2017). Website: |
# 35:
DONALD HARSTAD - USA. Harstad was an officer (Deputy Sheriff) with the Iowa Police Department. A large number of novels. An example (his debut): Eleven Days (1998). Website: |
# 36:
FRANK ZAFIRO - USA. Zafiro was an officer with the Spokane (Washington) Police Department. A large number of novels. An example: Under A Raging Moon (2006). Website: |
# 38:
ROBIN BURCELL - USA. Burcell was an officer with the Lodi Police Department for over 20 years (their first female officer). A large number of novels, TV tie-ins, and now co-authoring with Clive Cussler. An example: Face of a Killer (2008). Website: |
# 39:
ISABELLA MALDONADO - USA. Maldonado was an officer with a US Police Department for over 20 years. One novel, another one coming, and some short story anthologies. An example (her debut novel): Blood's Echo (2017). Website: |
# 42:
BRUCE ROBERT COFFIN - USA. Coffin was an officer and detective sergeant with the Portland Police Department, Maine, for over 25 years. He also worked in the FBI for several years. Already has three novels out with the protagonist Det.Sgt. John Byron. An example (his debut): Among the Shadows (2016). Website: |
# 43:
DENNIS GRIFFIN - USA. Griffin was an officer in New York State for many years. He has written a number of crime fiction works, and also pens crime non-fiction. An example of his fiction: Vegas Vixen (2008). Website: |
# 46:
NICHOLAS RHEA - UK. (Deceased 2017) Rhea (pen name of Peter Walker) was an officer in the Yorkshire Police in the UK in the 60s. His Constable series became the basis for the well known TV series Heartbeat. One example from many: Constable at the Gate (1997). Website: |
# 48:
SIMON HIGGINS - AUSTRALIA. Another fellow Aussie to join the Squad - Higgins is a former officer with the South Australia Police. He writes a variety of genres, mainly YA, but with crime as well. A crime example: Doctor Id (1998). Website: |
# 49:
JOE McKINNEY - USA. McKinney is a serving officer with the San Antonio PD in Texas. He writes mainly in the horror genre, but also some crime. Looks like some good genre blending as well. A crime example: Quarantined (2009). Website: |
# 50:
MICHAEL A. BLACK - USA. Black was a long-serving officer in the Matteson, Illinois PD. He has numerous crime books to his name, as he started writing crime fiction well before leaving the Force. An example: A Killing Frost (2002). Website: |
# 51:
REBECCA BRADLEY - UK. Bradley was an officer and detective in a UK police force. She has a number of crime books published. An example: Shallow Waters (2014). Website: |
# 53:
GARRY RODGERS - CANADA. Rodgers was an officer with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, including as a homicide investigator. A number of novels, as well as some non-fiction. An example: No Witnesses To Nothing (2012). Website: |
# 56:
JØRN LIER HORST - NORWAY. Horst was a Senior Investigating Officer with the Norwegian Police. He has written multiple crime fiction titles, and a couple of them have been translated into English. An example: Closed For Winter (2011). Website: |
# 58:
MARKO KILPI - FINLAND. Kilpi is still a serving officer with the Kuopio Police in Finland. He has written a few crime fiction works, but unfortunately I haven't seen any English language versions. An example: Kuolemantuomio (Undertaker) (2017). Website: |
# 60:
LISA CUTTS - UK. Cutts is still a serving officer (detective) with the Kent Police in the UK. She has written several crime fiction works. An example: Mercy Killing (2016). Website: |
# 61:
ANGUS McLEAN - NEW ZEALAND. McLean (a pseudonym) is still a serving officer with the New Zealand Police. He has written numerous crime fiction novels. An example: Dirty Deeds (2015). Website: |
# 62:
PAUL HARRISON - UK. Harrison was a detective with a UK Police Force and served for 30 years. Most of his writing is true crime, but he has recently ventured into crime fiction. An example: Revenge of the Malakim (2017). Website: |
# 63:
THOMAS J. NICHOLS - USA. Nichols retired as Chief of Police with the Lubbock PD in Texas. He has written a few novels, of which a couple are crime fiction. An example: Color of the Prism (2009). Website: |
# 64:
DAVID SWINSON - USA. Swinson was a detective with the Metro PD in Washington DC. He has written several crime novels. An example: Crime Song (2017). Website: |
# 65:
LOWEN CLAUSEN - USA. Clausen served with the Seattle PD. He has written multiple crime novels. An example: First Avenue (2000). Website: |
# 67:
ARCHER MAYOR - USA. Mayor has worked in numerous jobs in his career, but one of them was a stint (including as a detective) with the Windham County PD in Vermont. He has written a large number of crime novels, the below example being the 28th in a series. An example: Trace (2017). Website: |
# 70:
MICHELE GIUTTARI - ITALY. Giuttari was a long-serving officer in Italian law enforcement, including the Florence Police and other agencies. He has written multiple crime novels. An example: Death Under a Tuscan Sun (2015). Website: |
# 72:
DAVID VIDECETTE - UK. Videcette was a detective with Scotland Yard in the UK Metropolitan Police. I've found two novels he has written so far. An example: The Theseus Paradox (2015). Website: |
# 73:
PAUL FINCH - UK. Finch served with the Greater Manchester Police, and then became a journalist; as well, of course, a writer of crime fiction - he has numerous titles to his name. He also wrote scripts for the very popular British TV series, The Bill. An example: Stalkers (2013). Website: |
# 74:
GRAHAM ISON - UK. Ison served with the Metropolitan Police in London. He has written multiple crime fiction novels. An example: Working Girl (2002). Website: |
# 77:
PAUL BISHOP - USA. Bishop served with the LAPD for 35 years. He has written multiple crime fiction novels. An example: Hot Pursuit (2011). Website: |
# 79:
ROGER BUSBY - UK. Busby served with the Devon and Cornwall Constabulary as a Force Information Officer (media officer) for 22 years. I'm not sure if that was a sworn officer role, or a civilian role, but 22 years of front line work gets him into The Squad. He has written multiple crime fiction novels. An example: Snowman (1987). Website: |
# 80:
JERRY KENNEALY - USA. Kennealy served with the San Francisco PD and then worked as a PI. Great combination if you ask me! He has written numerous crime fiction novels. An example: Polo Solo (1987). Website: |
# 81:
JEREMIAH HEALY - USA. (Deceased 2014) Healy served with the US Military Police and also as a Sheriff's Officer, aside from becoming a lawyer. He wrote numerous crime fiction novels. An example: Blunt Darts (1984). Website: The website is still running. |
# 84:
JANWILLEM van de WETERING - The NETHERLANDS. (Deceased 2008) van de Wetering was a prolific Dutch author who also served for years in the Amsterdam Reserve Police (part-time policing). Apart from crime, he also wrote other genres, including books for children. He wrote numerous crime fiction novels. An example: The Corpse on the Dike (1976). |
# 85:
NANCY TAYLOR ROSENBERG - USA. (Deceased 2017) Rosenberg served with 3 police departments in her law enforcement career - Dallas PD, New Mexico PD, and Ventura PD - before becoming a very successful crime writer. She wrote numerous crime fiction novels. An example: Mitigating Circumstances (1993). Website: The website is still running. |
# 87:
PARNELL HALL - USA. (Deceased 2020) Hall worked as a PI in New York, amongst other occupations, and turned to writing along the way. His PI series features the protagonist PI Stanley Hastings in numerous books. An example: Detective (1987). Website: |
# 88:
DON WINSLOW - USA. Winslow is now a major name in crime fiction, but he also had earlier days as a PI, in both New York and California. He's gone on to pen numerous crime fiction titles. An example, his most recent: The Force (2017). Website: |
# 94:
FLEUR FERRIS - AUSTRALIA. Ferris served with, I believe, the Victoria Police. She has written several crime fiction titles in the YA genre. An example (her debut): Risk (2015). Website: |
# 95:
ANNA KAROLINA - SWEDEN. Karolina served with the Stockholm Police. She has written several crime fiction titles so far, although I could only find one translated into English. An example: Savage Congress (2010). Website: (in Swedish) |
# 96:
KAREN CAMPBELL - UK. Campbell served with the Strathclyde Police in Scotland. She has written four crime fiction titles so far, as well as some other works. Her crime debut: The Twilight Time (2008). Website: |
# 97:
ALEXANDRA MARININA - RUSSIA. (The pen name for Marina Alexeyeva). Marinina served with the Russian Police as a criminologist specialist becoming a Lieutenant. From what I can find, I think she was with the Moscow Police, before leaving to take up full-time crime writing. She has written dozens of crime fiction books in Russian. I've found some translated into French and German, but none into English (although the Abebooks reference for the title cited says it is a French and English version - but it looks only French to me!) An example: Le Styliste (2012). Website: (in Russian) |
# 98:
PAM CHAMBERS - UK. Chambers served with the police in the UK, but I haven't found any reference as to which police force. She has written her first crime fiction title, which is touted as being the first in a series. Her debut: The Thirteenth Torment (2012). Website: |
# 100:
J.J. HENSLEY - USA. Hensley served as a police officer in the US, although I can't see any reference to which police department. He also served in the US Secret Service, before turning to writing. He has written a number of crime fiction novels. His debut: Resolve (2013). Website: |
# 101:
MARCUS BRUNING - USA. Burning served as a police officer with the St. Louis County Sheriff's Office for nearly 30 years. He writes a variety of material, but has ventured into crime fiction. His debut (written with JEN WRIGHT): Relentless (2015). Website: |
# 102:
LISSA MARIE REDMOND - USA. Redmond served as a police officer with the City of Buffalo PD. She writes in a number of genres, including crime fiction. A crime example: A Cold Day in Hell (2018). Website: |
# 103:
KATHLEEN A. RYAN - USA. Ryan served as a police officer with the Suffolk County PD on Long Island. She writes short crime fiction. Whilst I can't find any crime novels, her crime short stories are published in a number of anthologies. For an example see the anthology: Grand Central Noir. Website: |
# 104:
CLIVE ALLAN - UK. Allan served with the Sussex Police for 30 years. He has written two crime fiction novels so far. His debut: The Drumbeater (2014). Website: |
# 107:
DANIEL O'CONNOR - USA. O'Connor served as a police officer in the Suffolk County PD in New York. He has written one crime novel I can find, plus a range of short stroies. His debut (with Peter Randazzo): Sons of the Pope (2015). Website (blog): |
# 108:
MICHAEL FOWLER - UK. Fowler served with the South Yorkshire Police for many years. He has written a number of crime fiction novels so far. An example: Heart of the Demon (2012). Website: |
# 109:
CHARLIE GALLAGHER - UK. Gallagher (a pen name) is a serving police officer in the UK, although his identity and police force are kept quiet (for his job security). He has written a number of crime fiction novels so far. An example: Bodily Harm (2017). Website: |
# 110:
SIMON WYATT - NEW ZEALAND. Wyatt served with the New Zealand Police for several years, and still works in fraud investigations. He has written one crime fiction novel so far, that I can find. His debut: The Student Body (2016). Website: |
# 112:
WILLIAM NIKKEL - USA. Nikkel served as a police officer with the Kent County Sheriff's Department in California. He writes in a number of genres, including crime fiction. A crime example: Glimmer of Gold (2012). Website: |
# 113:
LISA PRESTON - USA. Preston served as a paramedic and a police officer in Alaska, from what I can find. She has written two crime/mystery novels so far. Her debut: Orchids and Stone (2016). Website: |
# 114:
DAVID PUTNAM - USA. Putnam served as a police officer in California, in LA as far as I can work out. He has written multiple crime novels. An example: The Innocents (2018). Website: |
# 115:
BERNARD SCHAFFER - USA. Schaffer is still a serving police officer in the Warrington Township PD in the USA. He has written several crime novels. An example: Superbia (2012). Website: |
# 116:
S.M. FREEDMAN - CANADA. Freedman worked as a PI (and ex-PIs get to join The Squad!). She has now written two crime novels. Her debut: The Faithful (2014). Website: |
# 117:
MIKE FULLER - USA. Fuller served for many years with 3 different law enforcement agencies in the USA. He has written several crime novels and historical fiction as well. A crime example: Sink Rate (2015). Website: |
# 118:
R.C. BRIDGESTOCK - UK. Bridgestock is actually not one author, but two. Couple Robert and Carol co-author their work. Robert spent 30 years in the Yorkshire Police and Carol spent almost as long as a civilian supervisor in the same police force. They have written several crime novels. A recent example: When a Killer Strikes (2017). Website: |
# 120:
TRUDY NAN BOYCE - USA. Boyce served with the City of Atlanta PD for 30 years. She has written three crime novels so far. An example: Out of the Blues (2016). Website: |
# 121:
MICHAEL CROUCHER - CANADA. Croucher served for many years with the Toronto PD. He has now written two crime novels. An example: Diamond Run (2015). Website: |
# 122:
BRIAN THIEM - USA. Thiem served with the Oakland PD for nearly 30 years, as well as the US Army. He has written a number of crime novels so far. An example: Red Line (2015). Website: |
# 123:
PÉTER TARJÁNYI - HUNGARY. Tarjányi served with the Hungarian Police specializing in counter-terrorism. I can only find one crime novel available in English (the theme is war crimes in the Balkans - so a mixture between crime and thriller, I think - he still joins The Squad on that basis). It is: The Balkan's Angels (2011). No website found. |
# 124:
JAMES HAWKINS - UK. Hawkins served for many years with the police in the UK, although I'm not sure which police force. He has also since worked as a PI in Canada, and he has written several books, including crime fiction. Given his police career was in the UK, I'm listing him with the UK members of The Squad. A crime fiction example: Missing: Presumed Dead (2001). Website: |
# 125:
LEWIS HASTINGS - INTERNATIONAL. Hastings (a pseudonym) served initially with the Nottinghamshire Police in the UK, but then moved elsewhere and is currently serving (hence the "international" status - UN flag used for convenience). He has written a number of crime novels so far. His debut: Seventh (2014). Website: |
# 127:
SEAN SLATER - CANADA. Slater (a pseudonym) is a serving officer with the Vancouver Police. He has written a number of crime novels in a series. An example: The Guilty (2013). Website: (Note - the URL doesn't seem to be working as at 11 July 2018). |
# 129:
COLIN CAMPBELL - UK. Campbell served with the West Yorkshire Police for 30 years. He has written numerous crime novels. An example: Blue Knight, White Cross (2009). Website: |
# 130:
LAURA BURKE - USA. Burke worked as a PI in the USA for 20+ years, as well as other jobs. She has written numerous books and across genres. A crime fiction example: End of the Trail (2014). Website: |
# 131:
SEAN LYNCH - USA. Lynch served for nearly 30 years as a police officer in the San Francisco Bay area. He also served in the US Army. He has written several crime fiction novels. An example: A Hard Place (2017). Website: |
# 132:
NEIL LANCASTER - UK. Lancaster served for 25 years in the Metropolitan Police in London. His debut crime fiction has just been published. His debut: Going Dark (2019). Website: |
# 133:
DESMOND P. RYAN - CANADA. Ryan served for about 30 years as a police officer in Canada - I believe in the Toronto area. Now he has started writing crime fiction. His debut: 10-33 Assist PC (2018). Website: |
# 134:
STEVE PARKER - UK. Parker served for 20 years in the Metropolitan Police in London. He now has two crime novels to his name. His debut: Their Last Words (2018). Website: |
# 135:
BRENT PILKEY - CANADA. Pilkey is a veteran officer still serving with the Toronto Police. He has several crime fiction novels to his name. An example: Lethal Rage (2010). Website: |
# 136:
C.W. BLACKWELL - USA. Blackwell is a Crime Analyst with a Sheriff's department in California. He has written a range of short stories across genres, including crime fiction. I couldn't find any novels as yet. An example of his short crime work is in the latest issue of Switchblade magazine, Issue # 7. No website found. |
# 137:
DWAYNE CLAYDEN - CANADA. Clayden served as an officer with the Calgary Police. He then moved careers to the Fire Department and the paramedics. Pretty well got the whole emergency service experience covered, I think! Now he has started writing crime fiction. His debut: Crisis Point (2018). Website: |
# 138:
VÍCTOR DEL ÁRBOL - SPAIN. Del Árbol served in the Catalonia Police for about 20 years. He has several crime/thriller fiction novels to his name. Some have been translated into English, and he has won several prestigious awards in Europe. An example: The Heart Tastes Bitter (2016). Website: |
# 139:
P.J. BODNAR - USA. Bodnar served with the Half Moon Bay PD in California. He now lives and writes in New York. His first crime fiction novel is due out very shortly (I believe in early 2019). His debut: Half Moon (Forthcoming - TBA). (And I'll add the cover image when available). No website found. |
# 141:
SUSAN ANDERSON - USA. Anderson served with the Milton PD in Florida. I've found one crime fiction work from her. Her debut: Cold Case in Ellyson (2009). Website: |
# 142:
J. TODD SCOTT - USA. Scott is still a serving Federal Agent with the DEA in the US. He has written two crime fiction novels so far. His debut: The Far Empty (2016). Website: |
# 146:
ART ADKINS - USA. Adkins spent a career with both the LAPD and the Gainesville PD in the US. He has written two crime fiction novels so far. He also writes non-fiction on leadership. A crime example: The Oasis Project (2007). Website: |
# 147:
THERESA HANDRAHAN - USA. Handrahan is still a serving Federal Law Officer/Customs Officer with Homeland Security in the US. I have found one title she has written, although I couldn't locate any purchase avenues. Her debut: The Zug Life (year unknown). Website: |
# 149:
ROGER BRAY - AUSTRALIA. Bray is British-born and served in the Royal Navy before emigrating to Australia and becoming a police officer for many years. He served with both the Australian Federal Police and the Queensland Police. He has written three crime novels so far. An example: Blood Ribbon (2018). Website: |
# 156:
DENNIS BANAHAN - USA. Banahan served as an officer with the Chicago PD for over 30 years. He has so far written two crime fiction novels I could find. An example: The Author of Dead Men (2016). Website: |
# 157:
WAYNE ZURL - USA. Zurl served as an officer with the Suffolk County PD. He has written several crime fiction novels. An example: Heroes & Lovers (2012) Website: |
# 158:
GEORGE D. SHUMAN - USA. Shuman served as an officer in Washington DC. He has written several crime fiction novels. An example: Last Breath (2007) Website: |
# 159:
JASON E. FORT - USA. Fort is still a serving officer with a PD in South Carolina, I believe. He has written several crime fiction novels. An example: Misguided: The Jesus Assassin (2015) Website: |
# 160:
GERALD PETIEVICH - USA. Petievich served with the US Secret Service. He has written several crime fiction novels, some of which have been turned into major movies. An example: The Sentinel (2006) Website: |
# 161:
MARC GOODMAN - USA. Goodman served as a police officer (unsure which PD) and with the FBI. He has written one crime fiction novel I could find, plus he writes in other genres. His crime example: The Open Door (2018) Website: |
# 162:
MERLE TEMPLE - USA. Temple served as a deputy sheriff (unsure where) and then as an agent with the Bureau of Narcotics. He has written several crime fiction novels, and he writes in other genres. A crime example: A Ghostly Shade of Pale (2013) Website: |
# 163:
MICKI BROWNING - USA. Browning served as an officer with the Durango PD in Colorado. She has written several crime fiction novels. An example: Adrift (2017) Website: |
# 165:
RON CROUCH - CANADA (& UK). Crouch served as a police officer originally in the UK, and then moved to Canada and served there. He has remained a Canadian since. He has written a few crime fiction novels and he writes in other genres. A crime example: Officer Down (2018) Website: |
# 166:
JAMES HENEGHAN - CANADA (& UK). Heneghan also served as a police officer originally in the UK (Liverpool Police), and then moved to Canada and served there (Vancouver Police). He, too, has remained in Canada since. He has written a few novels across genres. A crime example: A Woman Scorned (2013) Website: |
# 168:
MARK A. DI GIACOMO - USA. Di Giacomo served in several law enforcement agencies, including New York State Police, the NYPD, and the FBI. He has written three crime fiction novels that I could find. An example: In a Small Town (2012) Website: |
# 169:
JEFF DOSSER - USA. Dosser served as an officer with the Tulsa PD. He writes mainly in the horror genre, but also some crime/horror blends. A crime/horror example: Neverland (2018) Website: |
# 170:
LARRY DARTER - USA. Darter served as a police officer for 20 years in both Oklahoma and Texas. He has written numerous crime fiction novels. An example - his latest: Live Long Day (2018) Website: |
# 172:
ROBERT FASONE - USA. Fasone served as a police officer with the NYPD. I found two crime fiction novels to his name. An example: A Chase After Wind (2005) Website: |
# 173:
B.P. RYAN - USA. Ryan served as a police officer for 20 years with the NYPD. He has written two crime fiction novels I could find. An example: Night Watchers (2016) Website: |
# 174:
KEITH WRIGHT - UK. Wright served as a police officer and detective with the Nottinghamshire Police and CID. He has written a couple of crime fiction novels. An example: One Oblique One (1991) Website: |
# 175:
LYNN HESSE - USA. Hesse served as a police officer with the DeKalb County PD in Georgia. She has written two crime fiction novels I could find. An example: Well of Rage (2016) Website: |
# 176:
T.B. SMITH - USA. Smith served as a police officer with the San Diego PD. I found one crime novel so far. His debut: The Sticking Place (2011) Website: (Blog) |
# 177:
WES ALBERS - USA. Albers also served as a police officer with the San Diego PD. I found one crime novel so far. His debut: Black & White (2012) Website: |
# 179:
JESS WAID - USA. Waid served as a police officer with the LAPD. He has a number of crime fiction novels to his name. An example: He Blew Blue Jazz (2013) Website: |
# 180:
JOSEPH J. BRADLEY - USA. Bradley served as a police officer with the Houston PD. He has written a number novels across genres. A crime example: Bottle Park (2013) Website: |
# 181:
VICTOR CASS - USA. Cass served as a police officer with the Pasadena PD. I found one crime fiction novel to his name, but he has written novels in other genres as well. The crime novel: Love, Death, and other War Stories (2005) Website: |
# 185:
RONALD M. SCHUNK - USA. Schunk served as an officer with the Dearborn County Sheriff's Department in Indiana. I found one crime fiction novel to his name. His debut: Retreat (2005) Website: |
# 188:
LOREN W. CHRISTENSEN - USA. Christensen served as an officer with the Portland PD in Oregon. He has been a prolific author in both crime fiction and other genres. A crime example: Dukkha: The Suffering (2011) Website: |
# 189:
C.A. GRIFFITH - USA. Griffith served for 30 years as an officer with the Cobb County Sheriff's Office in Georgia. He has written several crime fiction novels. An example: Code of Misconduct: Conduct Unbecoming (2012) Website: |
# 190:
JOSEPH D. McNAMARA - USA. McNamara served as an officer and Detective Chief with the San Jose PD in California. He has written several crime fiction novels. An example: Fatal Command (1987) Website: |
# 192:
KIM WOZENCRAFT - USA. Wozencraft served as a police officer with the Tyler PD in Texas. She has a number of crime fiction novels to her name. An example: The Devil's Backbone (2006) Website: |
# 194:
JERRI WILLIAMS - USA. Williams served as a special agent for 26 years with the FBI. She has two crime fiction novels to her name, so far. An example: Greedy Givers (2019) Website: |
# 195:
L. SCOTT SILVERII - USA. Silverii served as a police officer with the Thibodaux PD in Louisiana. He has a number of crime fiction novels to his name. An example: By the Numbers (2014) Website: |
# 197:
IAN AUSTIN - NEW ZEALAND. Austin served as a police officer with the New Zealand Police for a few years, having moved from the UK where he had served with the Hampshire Police. He has two crime novels so far. An example: The Second Grave (2018) Website: |
# 198:
ROBERT J. SADLER - USA. Sadler served as a police officer with the Dallas PD. He has a number of crime fiction novels to his name. An example: The Bad Alibi (2018) Website: |
# 199:
JOHN SCHEMBRA - USA. Schembra served as a police officer with the Pleasant Hill PD in California. He has a number of crime fiction novels to his name. An example: Retribution (2007) Website: |
# 200:
LARRY WATTS - USA. Watts served as a police officer with the Houston PD. He has a number of crime fiction novels to his name. An example: Murder on the Seawall (2015) Website: |
# 201:
ROGER A. PRICE - UK. Price served as a police officer with the Lancashire Constabulary. He has a number of crime fiction novels to his name. An example: Hidden (2019) Website: |
# 203:
JIM MALLOY - USA. Malloy served as a police officer with the San Diego PD for 28 years. He has several crime fiction novels to his name. An example: Death Whispers (2004) Website: |
# 207:
MATT HILTON - UK. Hilton served as a police officer with the Cumbria Police. Since then he has become a prolific author of crime novels. An example: Blood Tracks (2015) Website: |
# 208:
LIAM SAVILLE - AUSTRALIA. Saville served as a police officer with the NSW Police. He has several military crime fiction novels to his name. An example: Resolute Action (2013) Website: |
# 209:
J.B. STEVENS - INTERNATIONAL. Stevens is a serving law enforcement officer whose agency/location cannot be disclosed. He has written various crime fiction short stories and his first novel is imminent. His debut novel: The Red Exit (2020 - in print) The cover image will be added when available. Website: |
# 211:
JASON ALLISON - USA. Allison served as a police officer with the NYPD. His first crime fiction novel is imminent. Details will be added when available. Website: |
# 212:
DAN MAHONEY - USA. Mahoney served as a police officer with the NYPD for 20 years. He has written numerous crime fiction novels. An example: Detective First Grade (1993) Website: |
# 218:
PETER MARS - USA. Mars served as an officer with the Kennebec County Sheriff's Office in Maine. He has written one crime fiction novel, and some true crime books. His crime fiction example: The Key (2001) Website: |
# 220:
JOHN MACKIE - USA. Mackie served as a police officer with the NYPD. He has written several crime fiction novels. An example: To Kill A Queen (2012) Website: |
# 225:
DAN MARCOU - USA. Marcou served as a police officer with the La Crosse PD in Wisconsin. He has written several crime fiction novels, as well as non-fiction books. A crime fiction example: S.W.A.T. Blue Knights in Black Armor (2008) Website: |
# 235:
LISA BLACK - USA. Black served as a forensic scenes of crime officer with the Cape Coral PD in Florida. She has written many crime fiction novels in the thriller style. An example: Trail of Blood (2010) Website: |
# 236:
G.S. MARRIOTT - CANADA. Marriott served as a police officer with the Ontario Provincial Police. He has written several crime fiction novels. An example: A Dish Served Cold (2013) Website: |
# 239:
CURT RUDE - USA. Rude served as a police officer for 30 years in the USA, possibly in Minnesota (although I couldn't track down which PD he served with). I found two crime fiction novels to his name. An example: Brand of Justice (2014) Website: |
# 241:
JOHN NICHOLL - UK. Nicholl served as a police officer in the United Kingdom, but I couldn't track down which Police Force he served with. He has written numerous crime fiction thrillers. An example: White is the Coldest Colour (2015) Website: |
# 244:
R.L. LINK - USA. Link served as a police officer with the Ames PD in Iowa. He has written a number of crime fiction novels. An example: G&B Detective Agency: Case of the Missing Trucker (2017) Website: |
# 245:
COLIN CONWAY - USA. Conway served as a police officer with the Spokane PD in Washington State. He has written a number of crime fiction novels. An example: Death at Sunrise (2020) Website: |
# 246:
DANA RIDENOUR - USA. Ridenour served as an agent with the FBI. She has written three crime fiction novels to date. An example: Behind the Mask (2016) Website: |
# 250:
MARK MYNHEIR - USA. Mynheir served as a police officer with the Palm Bay PD in Florida. He has written several crime fiction novels to date. An example: The Night Watchman (2009) Website: |
# 254:
DUSTIN DODD - USA. Dodd is a serving police officer with the Napa PD in California. He has also served with the Central Valley PD in that state. I found one crime fiction novel. The novel: Savage Justice (2016) Website: |
# 255:
T. J. HAMILTON - AUSTRALIA. Hamilton served as a police officer with the NSW Police. She has written several crime fiction novels. An example: Keeping Thyme (2014) Website: |
# 256:
MICHAEL WALTON - CANADA. Walton is a serving police officer with the Ontario Police. I found two crime fiction (thriller) novels. An example: APOK (2013) Website: |
# 257:
ED CHURCH - UK. Church served as a police officer with the Metropolitan Police in London. I found two crime fiction novels. An example: Non Suspicious (2020) Website: |
# 259:
JANICE CANTORE - USA. Cantore served as a police officer with the Long Beach PD in California. She has written numerous crime fiction novels. An example: Cold Aim (2019) Website: |
# 261:
CRAIG RUSSELL - UK. Russell served as a police officer in the UK, I think in Scotland. He has written numerous crime fiction novels, and numerous novels in other genres. A crime fiction example: Blood Eagle (2005) Website: |
# 262:
ROBERT F. BARKER - UK. Barker served as a police officer in the UK, around the northwest of the country. He has written several crime fiction novels. An example: Last Gasp (2015) Website: |
# 263:
OLIVIER NOREK - FRANCE Norek is a serving Lieutenant of Police in the Paris area. He has written numerous crime fiction novels, and I found one with an English translation. He has also co-written scripts for the great French crime TV series, Spiral (Engrenages in French). An example: The Lost and the Damned (2020) Nil website found. |
# 265:
PRIYANATH MUKHOPADHYAY - INDIA (Deceased 1947) An historical entry to The Squad, Mukhopadhyay served a career with the Indian Police in (then) Calcutta. He is regarded as the father of crime fiction writing in Bengali. Whilst several Bengali texts survive, I couldn't find any English translations. An example (cover at left): Darogar Dapter (title in English) |
# 266:
DAVID G. FERGUSON - CANADA One of our handful of police-equivalent/related members, Ferguson was a conservation law enforcement officer in Canada investigating and arresting offenders for environmental crimes. He has written several crime fiction novels. An example: Toxic Waters (2016) Nil website found. |
# 267:
MICHAEL O'BYRNE - UK (and formerly HONG KONG) O'Byrne served with the London Metropolitan Police and one or two county police forces, having previously served with the Hong Kong Police Force. I found one crime fiction novel, and he has written some non-fiction policing-related works. The crime novel: Truth Stone (2018) Nil website found. |
# 273:
MATT JOHNSON - UK Johnson served as a police officer with the London Metropolitan Police. I found one crime fiction novel so far. His debut: Wicked Game (2016) Website: |
# 275:
SARAH FLINT - UK Flint served as a police officer with the London Metropolitan Police. She has written a number of crime novels. An example (her debut): Mummy's Favourite (2016) Website: |
# 276:
T. K. THORNE - USA Thorne served as a police officer with the Birmingham PD in Alabama. She has written a number of books in different genres including non-fiction. Her crime fiction debut is a mixture of crime and mystical. The crime fiction debut: House of Rose (2018) Website: |
# 280:
THONIE HEVRON - USA Hevron is one of our related law enforcement personnel, having spent 35 years as a police community officer and then police dispatcher in California. She has written several crime fiction novels. An example: By Force or Fear (2012) Website: |
# 283:
DANNY R. SMITH - USA Smith served as an officer with the LA County Sheriff's Office. He has written several crime fiction novels. An example: A Good Bunch of Men (2018) Website: |
# 285:
MARC CAMERON - USA Cameron served as an officer with the US Marshal's Service. He has written numerous crime fiction novels and crime thrillers. An example: Field of Fire (2016) Website: |
# 296:
STEPHEN BENTLEY - UK Bentley served as a police officer with both the Lancashire and Hampshire police, before he became a criminal barrister. He has written numerous crime fiction novels. An example: Rivers of Blood (2019) Website: |
# 303:
JAMES A. FORREST - USA Forrest served as an officer with the Sarasota County Sheriff's Office in Florida. He has written several crime fiction novels. An example: Eye of the Storm (2007) Website: |
# 306:
KENNETH R. LEWIS - USA Lewis served as a police officer and Police Chief with the Rogue River PD in Oregon. I found a few crime fiction novels from him. An example: The Sparrow's Blade (2011) Website: |
# 308:
JOHN A. HODA - USA Hoda served as a police officer with the Philadelphia PD. He has since worked as a PI. He has written a series of crime fiction novels. An example: Odessa on the Delaware (2019) Website: |
# 309:
JACK RONEY - AUSTRALIA Roney served as a police officer with the Queensland Police. He has written a number of crime fiction novels. An example: The Angels Wept (2021) Website: |
# 311:
BOB MACDONALD - AUSTRALIA MacDonald served as a police officer with the Western Australia Police. Always great to welcome a colleague from my own police force to The Squad! MacDonald has written a range of books, including memoir, non-fiction, and crime fiction. A crime fiction example: Black Hearts, Gold Minds (2016) Nil website found. |
# 312:
GAVIN REESE - USA Reese appears to be a still serving officer in the USA, although his location is not clear, probably because of his serving status. He has written a number of crime thrillers. An example: The Glass Cook (2018) Website: |
# 318:
JEFFREY JAMES HIGGINS - USA Higgins served as an agent with the DEA. He has one crime fiction novel so far, and some crime short stories. The novel: Unseen Evil Lurks Among Us (2021) Website: |
# 320:
BRIAN SHEA - USA Shea served as a police officer in Texas and Connecticut. He has several crime fiction novels to his name. An example: Murder Board (2019) Website: |
# 321:
MARK BERGIN - USA Bergin served as an officer with the Alexandria PD in Virginia. He has one crime fiction novel so far, as well as short stories. The novel: Apprehension (2019) Website: |
# 322:
CRAIG JOHNSON - USA Johnson served as an officer with the NYPD. He has several crime fiction novels to his name. An example: Death Without Company (2006) Website: |
# 326:
ELIZABETH NGUYEN - CANADA Nguyen has served for many years as as an unsworn member of the Regina Police Service in Saskatchewan, Canada, where her husband is also an officer. She has just had her first crime short story published. Her debut short: "9 Minutes", in The Tattered Blue Line (2022) Nil website found. |
# 327:
MICHAEL LEVINE - USA Levine served as an agent with the DEA. He has one crime fiction novel to his name, and some non-fiction works. The novel: Triangle of Death (1996) Website: |
# 329:
PATRICIA (P.S.) HARMAN - USA Harman served as an officer with the Prince William County PD in Virginia. She has one crime fiction novel to her name, as well as crime short stories. The novel: The Hooker, the Handyman and What the Parrot Saw (2019) Website: |
# 330:
LAURIE WOOD - CANADA Wood served as an officer with the City of Barrie Police in Ontario. She writes romantic suspense novels blended with crime. She has several novels to her name so far. An example: Northern Protector (2020) Website: |
# 333:
C.E. ALBANESE - USA Albanese served as a special agent with the US Secret Service. His crime thriller debut is forthcoming, and it won a major award for an unpublished manuscript. The debut: Drone Kings (TBA) Website: |
# 334:
CONNIE DIAL - USA Dial served as an officer with the LAPD. She has numerous crime fiction novels to her name. An example: Warning Shots (2018) Website: |
# 338:
ANDREW G. NELSON - USA Nelson served as an officer with the NYPD. He has numerous crime fiction novels to his name. An example: Perfect Pawn (2013) Website: |
# 350:
GRAHAM BARTLETT - UK Bartlett served as an officer with the UK police, mainly in the Brighton area. He has one crime fiction novel to his name, as well as non-fiction work. The debut novel: Bad for Good (2022) Website: |
# 356:
JOHN WESTERMANN - USA Westermann served as an officer with the Freeport PD in Long Island, New York State. He has written several crime fiction novels. An example: Ladies of the Night (1998) Website: |
# 362:
SAM MORTON - USA Morton served as an officer with the Richland County Sheriff's Department in South Carolina. He has written a number of crime fiction novels. An example: Disavowed (2006) Website: |
# 374:
JIM HOWELL - USA Howell served as an officer with the Dallas County Sheriff's Department in Texas. I found two crime fiction novels to his name. An example: Catching Crimson (2019) Website: |
# 382:
ROBERT STERLING HECKER - USA Hecker served as an officer with the New Orleans PD. I found one crime fiction novel to his name. The novel: The Accidental Vigilante (2016) Website: |
# 383:
ALAN MARCH - USA March served as an officer with the Cincinnati PD. I found two collections of crime fiction short stories, and he has written in other genres. An example: Cop Tales (2014) Short Stories. Website: |
# 386:
JAMES O. BORN - USA Born served as an officer with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement as well as the DEA. He has written numerous crime fiction novels. An example: Walking Money (2004) Website: |
# 389:
JAMES H. LILLEY - USA Lilley served as an officer with the Howard County PD in Maryland. He has written several crime fiction novels, and he has written in other genres. A crime fiction example: Tainted Justice: Hounds From Hell III (2020) Website: |
# 392:
B.J. BOURG - USA Bourg served as an officer with the Lafourche Parish Sheriff's Office in Louisiana. He has written several crime fiction novels. An example: Hollow Crib (2016) Website: |
# 396:
MARSHALL FRANK - USA Frank served as an officer with the Metro Dade PD in Florida. He has written several crime fiction novels. An example: The Upside to Murder (2012) Website: |
# 408:
MICHAEL McGARRITY - USA McGarrity served as an officer with the Santa Fe County Sheriff''s Department in New Mexico. He has written several crime fiction novels. An example: Mexican Hat (1997) Website: |
# 413:
EDWARD T. COOK - USA Cook served as an officer with the Northwestern Uni PD in Illinois. I found one crime fiction novel to his name, and he has written in other genres. The crime novel: Murders Do Not Come By Accident (2007) Website: |
# 419:
STEPHEN COLLIER - UK Collier served as an officer with the Northamptonshire Police. I found three crime fiction novels to his name. An example: Blind Murder (2014) Website: |
# 421:
MARK BECKNER - USA Beckner served as an officer (and Chief) with the Boulder PD in Colorado. He has written several crime and thriller fiction novels. An example: Behind the Lies (2021) Website: |
# 422:
KATHY BENNETT - USA Bennett served as an officer with the LAPD. She has written several crime fiction novels. An example: A Dozen Deadly Roses (2011) Website: |
# 425:
CHRIS LeGROW - USA LeGrow served as an officer with the Omaha PD in Nebraska. He has written two crime fiction novels. An example: Senile Squad (2016) Website: |
# 427:
DON DEPUTY - USA Deputy served as an officer with the Lawrence PD in Indiana. He has written one crime fiction novel so far. His debut: Sign of the Seed (2022) Website: |
# 429:
AARON PHILIP CLARK - USA Clark served as an officer with the LAPD. He has written a number of crime fiction novels. An example: Under Color of Law (2021) Website: |
"… bunches of career-obsessed wankers who wouldn't even be able to find their own arseholes in a dysentery outbreak."
- Harry's World (p.35)
- Harry's World (p.35)