So the really important stuff - what's actually in my crime library? Well, this is shelf 1 - and it's all American. Here's the line up, starting with my two favourites. And it was Chandler who got me started in the hard-boiled school, both reading and writing! Raymond Chandler Ross Macdonald Dashiell Hammett Jim Thompson Joseph Wambaugh William Ard James M. Cain Chester Himes Mickey Spillane Michael Collins Kinky Friedman Richard Neely Richard Stark Charles Willeford Lawrence Block Max Allan Collins Stephen King Meyer Levin Stephen Lewis Carl Hiaasen Michael Avallone (aka Troy Conway) James Lee Burke James Ellroy William F. Nolan And there are some anthologies as well. Oh, and it you look closely, you'll spot a certain non-American nestling comfortably next to Chandler. Yes, my two original copies of Harry's World live there! (The first copy from each print run). Cheers, ABP |